
who failed to see in it an independent sexual anomaly. He did not spare even the most prominent of them: "Krafft- Ebin himself...remained ignorant of the true nature of the phenomenon" (i.e. of transvestism). "He saw in it, like most authors before him and after him, nothing but a variant of homosexuality, whereas today we are in a posi- tion to say...that...transvestism...is a condition that occurs independently and must be considered separately from any other sexual anomaly."

Hirschfeld's view has been generally accepted, and nowadays almost all writers regard transvestism as an in- dependent sexual deviation. However the complexity of the clinical picture in transvestism immensely complicates its delimitation. For example, one of Hirschfeld's transvest- ites developed the following very elaborate, verbalized homosexual and sado-masochistic masturbatory fantasies: "You, sweet man, I want to belong to you. Kill me, but let me be your wife." Such cases as this forced some au- thors to see in transvestism a conglomeration of various sexual deviations. For instance, Gutheil regards it as a "result of six psychopathological factors. They are: 1, latent (or unmanifested) homosexuality with an unresolved castration complex; 2, the sado-masochistic component; 3, the narcissistic component; 4, the scoptophilic; (liking to observe or watch..Ed.) 5, the exhibitionistic; and 6 the fetishistic component. In every case all tributaries are represented in varying degrees." Wiedeman (100) points out the presence of the features of fetishism (overvalua- tion of female clothing), homosexuality (desire to be a woman), and masochism." Fenichel stressesl, the masochis- tic, 2, the exhibitionistic, and 3 the fetishistic tend- dencies in transvestism. (((Ed. Note. The very fact that sc many kinds of pattern are represented as in Gutheil's quotation above, could be taken to show that TVism is not such an abnormality as medical authors seem to think. normal persons show all of these traits in some degree. As a matter of fact persons who are psychopathic or who can be classed according to some behavior pattern are usually so classed because their pehavior is not so much new or
